So this week was so so so so so much fun! So many cool things happened.
Monday, after P-day was over and we had finished dinner, we just
decided to contact for the rest of the night. :) We wandered around a
little bit, talked to the people that were there, but nothing was really
happening. We had kind of a rough moment, then started walking down one
road in the flower streets, and were walking by this house as a guy
walked out. We started talking, and felt prompted to talk about the plan
of salvation, and he stops us, and said, "You know, you guys have
really good timing. My dad passed away two days ago, sure I want to hear
what you can teach me." What a miracle! I felt so bad that his father
was gone, but grateful for how open his heart was to the message of the
gospel. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and will hopefully be meeting with
him soon.
We had a window on Tuesday on this
tiny little street. I'm talking like 300 feet long. A window is pretty
much an appointment with God, saying that we will be in a specific place
at a specific time, which we pray about during our weekly planning
session, and we ask him to help us find those whom he would have us
share our message with. We got to this place, and we were like, are we
really going to spend an hour here? But we both felt like it was right,
so we started walking up and down this tiny little street, talking to
people as they came out of their houses. We met Kevin! He was super
interested, but was only home on lunch break and had to go back to work.
He was also YSA age, so when we meet with him, we will have to pass him
to the Elders. But it was a super huge miracle that we were where we
needed to be, when we needed to be there.
I've seen that so many times this week.
later that day, we stopped at a less-actives house, and there was this
huge impenetrable gate. There was no way we could get in, and there was
no doorbell! So I just kind of stood there staring at it, trying to
figure out any possible way to get past this barricade. While I was thus
pondering, the garage door opened, and the woman we were looking for
came out! We were able to talk to her, and get to know her a bit, and
she told us to come back whenever. So cool!
met some super nice people in our ward. There are so many good people.
They are absolutely amazing. I am so grateful for them. Also, I love
sitting at the temple tour tent. Especially now that it is summer. So,
every Wednesday from 3-7, and every Sunday from 12:30 to 2:30, I get to
meet people who are visiting, or who simply want to learn more, and tell
them about the significance of the temple. I get to share my testimony
of it with them, and feel the Spirit that comes from just being by it.
So so so cool. I love it.
We had zone
conference this week!!!! AND WE MET PRESIDENT CLARK!!!!! He is so
amazing. He and his wife are WONDERFUL. Seriously, they are so amazing. I
am so grateful for them. They are gah, just so amazing. I can't say it
enough. They are going to do so many amazing things in this mission.
WENT ON AN EXCHANGE IN SOUTH COAST!!!!! It was so so so so so so much
fun!!! I was able to see so many people that I love. It was so good. I
miss them so much. But they are in the very best of hands, so it's okay.
Sister Brown, Sister Cannon, and I had such a great time together. We
were contacting at the duck pond, and we went up to this family, who
Sister Brown thought was Hispanic, so she started speaking with them in
Spanish, some of them looked like they were getting it, but one of them
definitely was not. After a minute, he looks at her and says, "I'm so
sorry, I do not speak that language..." We found out that he was from
Egypt, and spoke Arabic, not Spanish... Sister Brown was blushing so
bad... :) It was so funny! He was super nice, and interested, but we
didn't have any Arabic Book of Mormons with us, so we gave him our
number, and as we walked away, Sister Brown was like, "We didn't get his
number!!" So I was like, "Well, we better go back and get it!" It was
awkward, cause we're awkward, but it was worth it, because we got his
number!! :) We had dinner with Dave, and had a grand time. It was such a
good day. Plus, my two temporary companions were amazing, and so fun to
be with. :)
Sunday was good! We went to
church, did temple tours, then went to stop by some new move-ins... We
thought we were stopping by Sister Marchand, but she turned out to be
BROTHER Marchand whose name was STEPHANE, not Stephanie. So that was
awkward... But his fiance might be interested in learning about the
gospel, so that's cool. We had the temple music night, and had a
fabulous time.
Yesterday we partied like it
was 1776, because 240 years ago, Great Britain gave birth to
AMERICA!!!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! I know it's late, but better late
than never. :) We had a great day! Pancake breakfast with the ward,
meeting an area 70, shopping, singing patriotic music.... It was great.
:) We had to be in by 7, so we had a zone activity, which was super fun.
It was such an awesome day. At the end though, the Elders were like,
"There's a surprise for everyone outside!" So we went outside, and they
bombarded us with water balloons! It was still fun though. :) Anyways,
that's about it! Sorry for the long email!
week I have learned that when we align our will with God's, that is
when we will be happy! When our plans and his plans don't match up, life
can be kind of hard, but when we submit everything, and know that he is
omnipotent, he will make of us more than we ever could.
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!
Love and prayers always,
Sister Wood :)